Cruise Ship Interiors Expo exhibitor Dansk Wilton is one of the leading manufacturers of custom designed carpets for the international hospitality industry. They have set out on a target-oriented journey towards a sustainable world with a strong focus on rethinking what they do, and are determined to contribute to the development of environment-friendly solutions in the hospitality industry.

“Our sustainability strategy in Dansk Wilton is something that we work with every day. Our Colortec RE:THINK product launch proves that we take our environmental responsibility seriously and we want to support the hospitality industry in their focus on increased sustainability and resource management.”

Søren Sonne, CEO at Dansk Wilton A/S

In this guest article, Dansk Wilton introduce their cradle-to-cradle certified carpet solutions – read on to find out more about this sustainable carpet choice.

Dansk Wilton – Cradle to Cradle is a vision for a world in which consumption and production have a positive impact on the economy, the environment and on people. Where we can benefit our planet without cutting down on consumption and welfare.

In a Cradle to Cradle-world we design products and structures in society so that all materials are healthy for their surroundings and can be included in a repeated cycle. Waste will no longer exist, and everything will either be reused as it is, or will become a resource for something completely new in healthy biological and technical cycles.

At Dansk Wilton we are very focused on responsible production, which is why we are offering the Cradle to Cradle Certified carpet solutions, Colortec RE:THINK and Colortec ORIGIN.

Colortec RE:THINK

Colortec RE:THINK is targeted towards the hospitality industry and operators that pay special attention to sustainability and responsible consumption, without compromising on aesthetics and design as an important part of the guest experience.

Colortec RE:THINK offers custom-designed carpet solutions with unlimited design possibilities and a range of 220 standard colours. Colortec is based on modern tufting technology and is produced using pre-dyed yarns in a yarn blend of 80% wool and 20% nylon and comes with either a textile backing or an integrated felt backing which optimises the handling process during installation.

Colortec RE:THINK is available with a wide range of performance characteristics, designed to be suitable for many spaces – from hotel rooms to high traffic public areas.

Colortec ORIGIN

With Colortec ORIGIN you can create custom designed carpets with undyed wool in nature’s own colour variations – this means carpets with absolutely no dyes.

By sourcing the natural undyed wool from black, brown, grey, golden, and white sheep we have created a palette of beautiful yarns, all developed by mixing raw wool of the different colours.

A characteristic of the undyed wool is the natural colour variations which give the yarn a beautiful heathered look. By avoiding dyeing the wool, we let the material show its unique character. Without compromising on design and aesthetics, Colortec ORIGIN demonstrates how exclusive design, high quality and sustainability are part of the same solution.

Dansk Wilton Brand Book

In our brand book you will find information about and inspiration for carpets for the hospitality industry. Moreover, you can read about interior design in the context of the megatrend sustainability and how this can be linked to creating a great guest experience.

We spoke to some prominent people in our industry who give their reflections in an interview. In this way, we hope to contribute with motivation and inspiration for a continued sustainable development in the global hospitality industry.

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