Attend as Press
Looking to attend Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo Americas as press?
CSI is the perfect show if you work for any publication or media outlet involved in covering the latest news and products from cruise design.
Press badges are provided to qualified editorial press/ journalists (editors, photographers, reporters, freelance writers) working within the cruise design sector. Non-editorial employees of media organizations, such as advertising, sales, or business development at media outlets do not qualify and will be issued with Visitor passes.
Your CSI Press Pass includes:
- Access to the CSI+ Lounge to conduct interviews with the key individuals at the show as well as offering a space to work to meet any of those important deadlines
- Permission to film and photograph on-site
- An invitation to the CSI & HRDS Opening Party
- Complimentary lunch on both show days
- Download the Press Resources
The attending press list can now be found in the Press Resources folder above.
Media partnerships and enquiries
Contact Olivia Irving – Senior Marketing Manager, Elite Exhibitions